• Outside of the lab, I enjoy bicycling and piano

    • Ph.D., Cornell University 
    • M.S., University of Maine at Orono
    • B.S., St. Mary's College of Maryland
    • 王, D., H. Basagaoglu, H. 阮, F. 希利, M. Whitman and S. 液. 2019. Effects of advective-diffusive transport of multiple chemoattractants on motility of engineered chemosensory particles in fluidic environments. Entropy, 21(5), 465-475.
    • 阮, H., H. Başağaoğlu, C. McKay*, A. J. Carpenter, S. 液, and F. 希利. 2016. Coupled RapidCell and lattice- Boltzmann models to simulate hydrodynamics of bacterial transport in response to chemoattractant gradients in confined domains. Microfluid. Nanofluid. 20:1-14.
    • 徐,F., R. Bierman*, F. 希利, and H. 阮. 2016. A multi-scale model of Escherichia coli chemotaxis from intracellular signaling pathway to motility and nutrient uptake in nutrient gradient and isotropic fluid environments. 电脑及相关知识. 数学. :. 71:2466-2478.
    • 希利, F. G., K. P. Eaton*, P. Limsirichai*, J. F. Aldrich*, A. K. Plowman*, and R. R. 王. 2009. Characterization of γ-butyrolactone autoregulatory signaling gene homologs in the angucyclinone polyketide WS5995B-producer Streptomyces acidiscabies J. Bacteriol. 191:4786-4797.
    • Hasona, A. H., K. Youngnyun, F. G. 希利, L. O. Ingram, and K. T. Shanmugam. 2004. Pyruvate formate lyase and acetate kinase are essential for anaerobic growth of Escherichia coli on xylose. J. Bacteriol. 186:7593-7600.

    I explore questions in microbial physiology and biochemistry, and the behaviors of microorganisms in fluids

    • Molecular Biology
    • Microbiology
    • 呸!咄!
    • Microbial Mothership
    • 2011-present Board member AHISD Friends of Strings 
    • 2008-present Laurel Heights United Methodist Church Scholarship Committee
    • 2005-2007 Board member Laurel Heights United Methodist Church Weekday School
    • 2007-present Development of microbiology classroom demonstrations in local schools 
    • 2009-Present IRBM Workshop and Seminar Committee
    • 2009-Present United Way Committee
    • 2005 Advising and Registration Committee
    • 2006 Chair of Advising and Registration Committee
    • 2007 Advising and Registration Committee
    • 2005-Present Health Professions Advisory Committee